You hit the nail on the head for me. I love you for who you are for real. I love how real you are. I love how honest you are. I love that you make sense to me. I love that for me, you are my representation. I have few of those so far because I'm not really sure what I'm doing. But if I "grow up to be like you", I'm not going to be mad about it. I'm also not going to take that for granted. I'll have an inkling of what it took to survive to be you. And I will know I'll be ok because like you, i have to be and will find the way to be, come what may. If for nothing else, but to prove them wrong... whoever "them" happen to be, at the time. I know how modest you are and how carefully you do not wish to be idealized, but I also thank you for daring to show up real for me. I know there's others like me reading. Others who need to read.

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You are amazing, Mette. Never doubt that.

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